Sunday V.o.W.’s: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1916)

If you live in the Midatlantic (states not ocean) you might be looking for something to do on a snowbound Sunday. Here’s our Sunday V.o.W. (Video of the Week) the 1916 silent-era, classic, escapist movie 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea.

Ok, so it’s not Avatar but it’s still pretty cool!

Flag dip to cephalopodcast on Twitter.

Published by

Peter A. Mello

Father, son. Lifelong mariner, student of leadership, photographer. Professional creative placemaker.

4 thoughts on “Sunday V.o.W.’s: 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea (1916)”

  1. The assault on Peter Watts, a genteel and professorial man, by U.S. border guards was a criminal act and travesty of justice. I’ve known Peter a number of years and can’t think of a man who’s LESS physically intimidating–Peter is an academic and artist, not some kind of thug who acts in a manner the border agents allege.

    But in order to cover their tracks, the law enforcement folks in the US of A are taking legal proceedings against Peter.

    However, Pete’s not standing alone: friends and supporters in and out of the science fiction community have helped him set up a defense fund. There’s more information on his blog and if you can donate a few bucks to a good cause, I urge you to do so…

  2. I just got back from seeing a presentation of Fritz Lang’s “Metropolis” (restored version) in a vintage movie theater with a live orchestra playing along from the original score.

    I didn’t even know there was a 1916 version of “20,000 Leagues”–and I consider myself something of a film buff. I love silent flicks so I’ll be giving that one a look-see.

    Dunno if you’re aware of the Canadian SF author Peter Watts–he’s a marine biologist and a brilliant, award-winning writer. Check out his novel STARFISH, set in underwater climes–it’s a stunning read. (Editor note: Blog title NSFW but otherwise okay and in fact fascinating.)

    If you drop in, tell him I gave you the key to the front door and told you to help yourself to the beer…

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