Waypoints – 500 and 99 days at Sea, respectively

2s008_09-3-Day-500-053 Today marks the 1/2 waypoint for Reid Stowe on his 1000 Days at Sea – Mars Ocean Odyssey. I’ve previously written about this adventure here. Friends were invited to a party tonight at Pier 66 in Manhattan to celebrate this major milestone. I bet it was an interesting event. Hopefully somebody will report back to us via a comment. Thanks to Bonnie at frogma for bringing this to our attention.

waikiki_roz Roz Savage arrived in Hawaii completing her first leg in rowing across the Pacific Ocean on Sunday, September 1st. There were times when it seemed like she may never lose sight of the California coast but she is nothing if not determined. I’ve written about her adventures here.

And determination seems to be something that Stowe is not short of either!

It’s easy to sit back and think that both of these individuals, and others who undertake similar gargantuan challenges are bit crazy but the fact of the matter is that they are pushing human endurance to points that are incomprehensible to the average person. 500 days at sea, the majority alone; 99 days rowing alone across the Pacific. Eccentric and amazing accomplishments to both of these modern maritime adventurers.

Godspeed for the next 500+ days and 5,000+/- nautical miles!

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Published by

Peter A. Mello

Father, son. Lifelong mariner, student of leadership, photographer. Professional creative placemaker.

6 thoughts on “Waypoints – 500 and 99 days at Sea, respectively”

  1. I enjoy your blog and accept that you have a different take on these two ventures. There is perhaps no more opinionated a society than sailors; I enjoy the dissonance and debate on all things nautical.
    I believe Roz is the only one of these two who has embodied ‘endurance’. Rowing is hard, hard work, especially with the windage and weight of her craft in blue water conditions.
    Really, she has accomplished something quite difficult.
    Reid Stowe could be at anchor for 1000 days, collecting rain water and eating his stores. When confronted with winds of only 20 knots, he drops his tattered sails. Honestly, is there anything space analogous about this voyage? 1000 days is no more than an egomaniac’s desire for fame and recognition and his pseudo ‘records’ insult true adventurers, Roz only one among many.
    Thanks for your thoughtful reply and you’re right; it is fun to watch both these voyages. I just wish you would get Roz’s story clear of the shaman’s; it isn’t fair to her.

  2. M;

    Thanks for visiting and commenting.

    When you say that these 2 adventures are like apples and oranges, I assume you mean that they’re both fruits in boats. ;-)

    Seriously, in the beginning I was skeptical of both but over time my views have changed a bit and I have moved away from judging character to marvelling at accomplishment.

    Roz is definitely a more attractive/approachable/likable character. But as sure as some people will vote for McCain and others for Obama, some people will find meaning in Reid’s excellent adventure and others in Roz’s environmental mission. That’s life.

    What can we learn from Reid? Alone at sea for the better part of 1000 days (I know he embarked with a companion whose since departed) offers lots of opportunity to examine human endurance. I previously posted about what we can learn from the long distance solo sailor here.Technology gives us a window into what’s going on although we are prudent to recognize the nature and control of the message.

    My post was basically meant to recognize the accomplishments of 2 individuals who, no matter whether you like them or agree with them, are both testing human endurance and I find it fun to watch.

    Thanks again!

  3. Comparing these two voyages are apples and oranges to me; I’ve been following both.
    Roz worked her ass off and is sending an important environmental message to the world that has already inspired many people.
    Reid Stowe departed NY knowing his boat was not in proper shape for his proposed passage and without the tools for his much hyped so-called directives.
    Honestly, I’d love to hear what one is to learn from his mission thus far other than as a cautionary tale.
    Roz did not drift aimlessly, nor does she aggrandize herself as Reid Stowe does incessantly. Her modesty and commitment to changing the world’s present approach to disposables and pollutants by changing minds one by one is really inspiring to me.
    I wish you wouldn’t have put these two efforts on the same plane of effort or merit; I think its a disservice to Roz.
    She has worked so hard for this achievement, why sully it with comparisons to 1000 days at Sea?

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