FotoFriday: Surfin’ Snappin’ Learnin’

Alright, it’s mid February and the winter doldrums probably have you down a bit. Here’s a perfect educational boondoggle if there ever was one. The School of Visual Arts has a study aboard program which offers Action Surf Photography in Rincon Puerto Rico from March 5 – 13.

Pack your camera bag dude! Surf’s up! (Good luck getting your parents to pay for this)

FotoFriday: Mindrelic ‘New York City Timelapse’ Video

Got to love great timelapse photography of NYC; especially how this one gently glides. Awesome!

Vodpod videos no longer available.


FotoFriday: Little People – A tiny street art project

Small Victory - A tiny street art project

I love these Little People – Tiny Street Art Project photos! This one’s called Small Victory.

Click through here to see the real story behind this picture.

Also check out Slinkachu, the artist’s website.

Via Sea-Fever Pacific correspondent @MiaChambers

FotoFriday: Lost (and Found) at Sea

Rescue at Sea

Imagine after a lovely scuba dive you return to the surface to find that the anchor line of your boat has parted and your ride home is no more.  :(

What do you do? Take some pictures, of course.  :)

You are miraculously rescued by a passing boat :D

which then capsizes on the way back to port :(

and your camera is lost. :(

Then four years later somebody walking the beach finds your camera! :D

Here are the pictures and interview.

Listen here: 

Flag dip to ABC North Coast NSW – Lost at sea: survival snaps surface after four years Oct. 27, 2010

FotoFriday: Pictory’s In Deep

Bonus FotoFriday!

There are two photo website that I believe stand out from the rest. They are the Boston Globe’s Big Picture and the great visual storytelling Pictory.

Every week, Pictory exhibits a different theme and this week it’s titled In Deep. Here’s what they have to say:

Bodies of water bring us comfort, euphoria, life.

Most of my happiest memories involve water. Water is the fundamental precursor of life and one of our most valuable resources, but most of us don’t think of it that way. We think of failed attempts to water ski and boiling hot days. Days at the beach or floats down the river. Water and heat work together to give us excuses to detach, relax, and forget. Soak it up.

Check out the images and short captions. They are always awesome.  The cool thing about Pictory is that you can contribute to it too! So check out their upcoming themes and join in the fun. Who knows, your image and story might make it in. Good luck!